Roberto La Laina

Roberto La Laina


+55 11 5505 2485

Practice Areas

  • Dispute Resolution
  • Business Contracts
  • Corporate
Professional Experience

Roberto La Laina has a solid academic background and extensive experience in complex deals and disputes. In his more than 25 years practicing law, Roberto has been actively involved in infrastructure projects (energy and oil & gas), engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts and mergers and acquisitions. On the dispute resolution front, Roberto has been the principal lawyer in strategic and business-critical commercial disputes in banking and finance, technology, corporate and the agribusiness sector. Roberto has also been appointed to as an arbitrator in disputes derived relating to infrastructure projects, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts, mergers and acquisitions and complex contracts. Roberto’s recent experience includes:

  • acting as an arbitrator in proceeding under the rules of the Arbitration Council of the State of São Paulo (CAESP) involving disputes arising from service contracts between Brazilian manufacturer and exporter and professional services provider relating to transactions for the purchase of electricity in the free market;
  • assisting information and communication technology company to set up a JV with competing companies, including advising on corporate structure, coordinating due diligence, providing legal opinions, drafting contracts and corporate documents and negotiating corporate reorganisation agreement, shareholders’ agreement and security documents;
  • acting for listed corporation in the healthcare sector in the acquisition of interests in other businesses, including regulatory aspects and normative acts of the Brazilian Securities Commission (“CVM”);
  • assisting the prevailing party in leading case seeking annulment of arbitration award and reopening of proceedings due to refusal of arbitrator to decide (non liquet) over damages calculations.
  • Master in Civil and Business Law, Law Faculty of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2014), (“An overview of the arbitration clause under the context of domestic arbitration proceedings pursuant to the current features applicable to Brazilian civil law”).
  • Post-Graduation in Regulation and Concessions in the Brazilian Power and Oil & Gas Sectors, Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets. IBMEC Law. Sao Paulo (2002).
  • Post-Graduate Degree in Corporate and Business Law, Law Faculty of Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1997).
Sample Publications
  • La Laina, R. “A Cláusula Compromissória e Autonomia Negocial”. In: Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem e Mediação: RArb, v. 11, n. 43. p. 129-154, Oct/Dec. 2014.
  • La Laina, R. “Negócios Jurídicos Existenciais – Novos Desafios”. In: Revista Brasileira de Direito Civil Constitucional e Relações de Consumo. 20th ed. (Oct/Dec. 2013). São Paulo: Fiuza, 2013. p. 229/263.
  • La Laina, R. “A Responsabilidade Pós-Contratual – como expressão de Eticidade e Socialidade”. In: Revista Brasileira de Direito Civil Constitucional. 15th ed. (Jul/Sep. 2012). São Paulo: Fiuza, 2012. p. 141/182.
  • La Laina, R. “Considerações práticas sobre os Contratos EPC no Brasil”. In: L&C (Licitação e Contratos) – Revista de Administração Pública e Política. Ano XIV, No. 160. Brasília: Consulex, Oct. 2011.
Admissions and Professional Memberships
  • Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo (OAB/SP)
  • Portuguese (fluent)
  • English (fluent)
  • Spanish (basic)
Rua Quintana, 887/32 - São Paulo SP 04569-011, Brazil
+55 11 5505 2485
1 Eagle Street - Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
+61 7 3040-9381